Sarah Palin is an interesting sort. We all know the drill. She's a gun-totin', foxy, hockey mom, PTA mom, mayor, governor, vindictive bitch, pro-life, moose-huntin', caribou-eating parents, and God-fearing milf.
Part of her appeal is that she represents the image of the American pioneer who can hunt, kill, and cook wild animals (like on Oregon Trail!). From that image, you can extract all the other familar fluff: small-town values, traditional Amerrri-Can values, and a fierce Trust in God. And you can keep going from there: "A government that doesn't stand in your way, but by your side.", Pro-Life, creationism, the Second Amendment, etc.
If this campaign season were a movie, The McCain campaign would hands-down, be given an Oscar for 'Best Picture.' The casting director picked the perfect person to embody the tenets of modern American conservatism. And not only did she outshine her co-star, but she also minimized the roles of her castmates and even turned them into sexist, anti-feminist, and arrogant elites with every move they make with respect to her.
Ultimately, I think she'll be a one-hit wonder. Kind of like Natalie Imbruglia. She'll barely make the history books. In fact, she'll be a box in a history book--a sidenote about a millisecond of a period of time in America. She's kind of important--she's the 2nd female Vice Presidential candidate of a major political party. Second the best, right? (Or is it "Sloppy seconds?")
With that, I'd like to leave you with a short video from Telegraph TV about what some regular British citizens think about Palin:
They sound soooo much smarter than the average American person you can stop on the street.