I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities.
Before throwing away any credibility I have by calling her a quack, I would like to recommend some light reading.
Go to Amazon or your local library and read Lisa McGirr's Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right. It is about conservative movement in the 1960s started by community organizers or grassroots activists to get people like Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, oh and Ronald Reagan (who has practically become a god to the RNC zealots) elected into office.
Look, community organizing happens become real, common people are pissed off at the government which keeps screwing them over or is not paying real attention to them. It is about initiating change from the bottom-up, you know, kind of like the community organizers of the Civil Rights Movement.
But in Sarah Palin's world, she has more experience than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because he didn't have real responsibilities. He only helped organize the community to get them to stand up to racial discrimination and thereby initiating a strong movement against decades and decades of injustice in America towards African Americans.
I don't even want to get started on the kinds of responsibilities Governor Palin has which makes her so much more qualified than the other candidates.