For the next few days, cable news is going to be inundated with commentary, analysis, and rolling footage of Colin Powell announcing that he will vote for Barack Obama. To catch the actualy interview, without the "liberal, media elite bias," watch Meet the Press today on MSNBC at 3pm Pacific time.
I'm sure it's already on the internet, but make it a lazy Sunday, grab some chips, your dirty robe, and cozy up on the counch in front of the original tube.
So is this latest high-profile endorsement any good?
On the not-so-awesome side, his name is associated with the WMD debacle. On the other hand, he is very decorated, a Republican, and considered a true American by many military families. I doubt that many average Americans care that Kissinger endorses McCain, or even know who he is. Unlike Colin Powell, the former Secretary State, is a household name.
This may impact the independent and undecided voters who just want to hear a valid point. Although I'm not well-read on the impact of endorsements on presidential campaigns, Powell's endorsement may go a little further than Ben Affleck's. Powell has the credentials, he's cool, and an intellectual. Everyone's tired of all the fluff, the mud-slinging, and lip-stick on pigs. They just want to hear the gawshdarn truth.