Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nightclub in Westwood?

MTV article describing the Twilight Premiere in Westwood:

WESTWOOD, California — The nightclub-and-movie-theater-packed neighborhood nestled between Brentwood, Hollywood and UCLA has always served as a playground for excitable young adults, head-turning celebrities and couples looking for love. But never before have all three groups collided quite the way they did Monday night (November 17) when Bella, Edward and a few thousand of their closest friends stormed into town.

MTV, I'm not shocked but get your facts straight. Westwood isn't even allowed to have a nightclub. Duh.

The fist bump waiting to happen...

Via Slate cartoons:

Repeat Assault: "You Are the Best Thing"

Song of the Day: Ray LaMontagne, "You are the Best Thing"

Got this song for free on iTunes courtesy of Starbucks. It's currently on repeat assault as I played it all morning.

NYT Blog: Bay Air-ree-yaaa Bailout (?)

The city of Vallejo gets to be the opening for a New York Times blog post:

VALLEJO, Calif. — This city is broke. Bankrupt. A ward of the courts. The police have pared their ranks, and every day two fire stations temporarily close, a rolling blackout of basic services.

Do we bailout Vallejo?

During the campaign season, both candidates kept repeating that Main Street, not Wall Street, is really suffering. But what is Main Street? Where is Main Street?

All too often we forget that it's home. It's the next city over. It's where Aunt Beth or Uncle Joe lives.

Let's not forget what is happening locally. Take time to try to understand the issues, form an opinion about it, and find ways to help those around you who are feeling the crunch.

Obamamania: Obama The Smoker

In today's WaPo, Michael Kinsley says it's ok if Obama needs a cig:
Obama's steely calm is now one of our country's major assets. If he needs an occasional cigarette to preserve it, let's hand him an ashtray, offer him a light and look the other way.
I don't care if Obama smokes or not. It's his choice. I'm sure he's well aware of the ramifications and he probably gets railed about all the time from the people around him.

WaPo, what's next? Will you find another columnist to contribute a piece that explores the evolution of Obama's hair cuts and what it means for tomorrow's future leaders?