Thursday, November 20, 2008

NYT Blog: Bay Air-ree-yaaa Bailout (?)

The city of Vallejo gets to be the opening for a New York Times blog post:

VALLEJO, Calif. — This city is broke. Bankrupt. A ward of the courts. The police have pared their ranks, and every day two fire stations temporarily close, a rolling blackout of basic services.

Do we bailout Vallejo?

During the campaign season, both candidates kept repeating that Main Street, not Wall Street, is really suffering. But what is Main Street? Where is Main Street?

All too often we forget that it's home. It's the next city over. It's where Aunt Beth or Uncle Joe lives.

Let's not forget what is happening locally. Take time to try to understand the issues, form an opinion about it, and find ways to help those around you who are feeling the crunch.

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