Saturday, October 24, 2009

Buon Compleanno!

my cousin is crazy cool and amazing.  today (on her actual birthday) she's running a half marathon!

Are you living your life?

Manifest your destiny.

Thrifty treasures

One of my absolute favorite places to shop is Thrift Town.  I'm going to have to fight the temptation of going more than once a week because I'm on the prowl for apartment knick knacks.

I had two good finds today:

An antique-ish looking jewelry box with an old school map of the world.  Now all I need is a globe.

A wooden hanger with the cool detail on the neck of it:

Can't wait to splurge at the next Alameda Flea Market!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


As many of you know, 2009 has been a very contentious and emotional for me. Thank you to everyone who held my hand during this time.

I must report some good news. I got a job!  And I'll be moving to the big city in about two months!  I'm hesitant to put the exact details of what I'll be doing and where, so you'll have to ask me in real life.

I'm so excited for this position.  It took me a long time to find it, but it has been worth the wait.  I'm going to be able to do something I love, give back to the community, learn new things, and do what I was meant to do with my life.

I should begin writing substantive posts soon.  I have been bouncing a lot of ideas and thoughts in my head the past few weeks and they're ready to be spewed out.