Friday, September 26, 2008

Head of the Party Planning Committee

I suddenly realized that I'm kind of the Angela Martin in my office.

I've become the unofficial Head of the Party Planning Committee. I always end up volunteering (or being asked to) organize the office minions for birthday/holiday/going-away/graduation lunch. Recently, I volunteered to organize the Pizza and Staff Meeting Lunch.

Hopefully, people don't completely write me off as a frigid bitch.

Here's to the Debate!

How do you plan on spending Friday night?!

Like every good American, I know you'll be watching the debate.

Don't worry, you can still get drunk tonight.

Skip the beer pong and enjoy these debate-drinking games!

Debate Drinking Games

All across the nation, the electorate is gearing up for the first presidential debate. And on the Internet, drinking games are popping up with some frequency. So take some lemons, make some lemonade and get ready to chug-a-lug. Here's an edited compilation of some of the prompts, with a few of our own sprinkled in.
Take one drink:

  • Every time Barack Obama says, "Now look..."
  • Every time John McCain says, "My friends..."
  • When a commentator refers to someone as a "maverick"
  • Every time you hear the phrase "the American dream"
  • Whenever you hear the words "hope" or "ownership society" or "fellow Americans"

Take two drinks:

  • When one of the candidates uses the word "change" or "reformer"
  • Every time either candidate says the word "economy"
  • Every time either candidate says "middle class"
Above all, drink responsibly. And be sure to save some lemonade for the Oct. 2 debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.

(NPR is the best.)

Breaking News

John McCain can walk and chew gum at the same time:

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Friday, September 26, 2008 -- 11:31 AM ET

McCain Will Participate in Debate

Senator John McCain will take part in the first presidential
debate tonight in Oxford, Miss., a campaign spokesman said.

Read More:

Now that's a president you can count on. The kind that can multitask.
Like Oprah.