I don't feel bad for Gov. Sanford and Sen. Ensign. But I do sympathize with their families (especially the kids!) and their friends.
And it must suck to be in the Republican Party right now.
Via The Stakeholder, polls conducted this month show approval ratings for the Republican Party between 29-36%:

And I doubt these recent events will bode well for the GOP, since good ol' fashioned family values is seem to constitute a significant reason for the Obamas' popularity.
I'm not surprised at all by Ensign's and Sanford's recent admissions, since I've come to believe that those God-fearin' types (or those that align themselves with,) that fiercely propagate family values of "Pro-America," commit the most insane abominations in the political and social spheres.
Upon learning about Sanford's extracurricular activity in Argentina, I was quickly reminded of comments Angie Harmon gave in an interview with Foxnews.com:
I think one of the greatest things about the Republican Party is the understanding, we don't point fingers and we have class...Classy means:
-cheating on your wife
-cheating on your wife with a staffer
-cheating on your wife with a staffer who's husband is also one of your staffers
-giving your mistress/staffer a raise
-"disappearing" to meet with your Argentinian mistress
Seems like the GOP is very empathetic since the question of resignations have yet to be discussed.
After reading John Dickerson, I want to clarify some things. Cheating on your spouse is not a GOP thing. Obviously. It's endemic among people in power. But I think it proves that social/religious values should not be integrated in politics.
Don't tout family/Christian values and use it to defend your position on abortion & same-sex marriage. The Bible has a special place in your home or church, but not in Congress.
Even good people make huge mistakes. But if politicians want the public to trust them based on merit alone, then don't stuff religious values into policy-making.
We won't mess with your personal lives, if you don't mess with ours.