Monday, November 17, 2008

Cedric Diggory's Westwood Premiere

The air in Westwood was suffocating, and not from the smoke from the fires in Sylmar and
Yorba Linda, but from the exruciatingly painful screams of hundreds of teen girls lined up on Weyburn and Broxton for the premiere of Twilight.

They were premiering the movie at both movies theaters, the Bruin Theater and the Fox Theater.
This is Weyburn/Broxton in the day:
Westwood is considered the movie premiere capital in the world.

Celebrity Sighting in Westwood

As I walked into Urban Outfitters early this evening (my friend told there was a $10 jean sale!), the Jo Bros--The Jonas Brothers--were walking out of there with a caravan of drooling tweens behind them.

If you're not between the age of 5-16 years old, the Jonas Brothers are these guys.

They are sort of like the Backstreet Boys of this tween generation.

And yes, like BSB, they are annoying, they are fairly talented, sing bubble-yum pop, and they pout all the time.