Sunday, August 23, 2009
Repeat Assault: Merry Happy - Kate Nash
One of my favorite songs and lyrics.
What Would Barry Goldwater Do?

I'm all over Goldwater these days. Don't be shocked if you catch me talking like a retired, former Senator from Arizona.
via the Washington Post archives, Goldwater had this to say about then-first lady Hillary Clinton in 1994:
On Hillary Clinton, who was an ardent Goldwater supporter in 1964: "If he'd let his wife run business, I think he'd be better off. ... I just like the way she acts. I've never met her, but I sent her a bag of chili, and she invited me to come to the White House some night and said she'd cook chili for me. Someday, maybe."Can you imagine Goldwater cheering her on with the rest of the Traveling Pantsuits?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Is ennui inevitable in every relationship?
The only example of everlasting love I can think of is...
Godmother extraordinaire
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
BART: What's on your iPod when you're looking at the window?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
"President Obama is now my homeboy too," says 11-year old reporter, Damon Weaver
You can tell the kid is shaking in his boots but he maintains his composure well throughout the entire video. He definitely has a bright future ahead of him. How awesome is it to be 11 and have this interview on your resume?
I'm sure he had everyone in the room rolling with laughter he reminded the President that Joe Biden is one of his homeboys. Just watch the video and then show it to your lazy siblings/cousins!
Karaoke Madness
Friday, August 7, 2009
Good news from the West Bank

I know I blog a lot about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and most of it not so happy stuff. But Thomas Friedman's Wednesday column actually highlights some good things coming from the West Bank thanks to Prime Minister Salam Fayyad:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to the wider Middle East what off-Broadway is to Broadway. It is where all good and bad ideas get tested out first. Well, the Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad, a former I.M.F. economist, is testing out the most exciting new idea in Arab governance ever. I call it “Fayyadism.”Sorry for the long-ish block quote, but the whole piece is worth reading.Fayyadism is based on the simple but all-too-rare notion that an Arab leader’s legitimacy should be based not on slogans or rejectionism or personality cults or security services, but on delivering transparent, accountable administration and services.
Fayyad, a former finance minister who became prime minister after Hamas seized power in Gaza in June 2007, is unlike any Arab leader today. He is an ardent Palestinian nationalist, but his whole strategy is to say: the more we build our state with quality institutions — finance, police, social services — the sooner we will secure our right to independence. I see this as a challenge to “Arafatism,” which focused on Palestinian rights first, state institutions later, if ever, and produced neither.
Things are truly getting better in the West Bank, thanks to a combination of Fayyadism, improved Palestinian security and a lifting of checkpoints by Israel. In all of 2008, about 1,200 new companies registered for licenses here. In the first six months of this year, almost 900 have registered. According to the I.M.F., the West Bank economy should grow by 7 percent this year.
Congratulations Judge Sotomayor \\ have a great weekend!
Congratulations to the newest member of SCOTUS, Judge Sonia Sotomayor!
All Democrats voted yes and 9 of the 40 Republicans voted yes.
The NYT has this nifty chart of how the Republicans voted & interesting stuff popped up:
(1) Six of the nine Republicans that voted yes, were from states Obama won.
(2) Three of the nine Republicans that voted yes, included Lindsey Graham (S.C.),
Christopher Bond (Mo.), Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
We're nearing the end of the summer so I'm going to have fun in the sun this weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
thursday thank you's

What words do you live by?
Repeat Assault
Smile...for your Sears Portrait!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Do you enjoy a good mind f**k?

Then feed on
It spewed from the loins of Rainn Wilson (aka Dwight Shrute), which makes it doubly awesome.
In the last few days...
5.) Only Clinton could go to North Korea?

(via Times Online)
Only this morning I found out that Bill Clinton was in North Korea fraternizing with the enemy and securing the release of two U.S. journalists, Euna Lee and Laura Ling. What will Lee and Ling say about North Korea in the coming days?
4.) The passing of Corazon "Cory" Aquino, former Philippines President

(via Pinoy Wired)
Cory Aquino was the subject of my 6th grade essay, "My Heroines," the other was Hillary Clinton. An iconic woman, she rallied and ran against ex-President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, became a uniting figure during the People Power Revolution, and shepherded democracy in the Philippines after 20 years of Marcos' authoritarian control and imposition of martial law. Although her presidency was far from perfect--she struggled with economic and agrarian reforms and faced strong opposition from the military in the form of five coup attempts--she is hailed by the masses for her role in halting Marcos' oppressive regime. To this day, she is a national and international hero. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (which she lost to Elie Wiesel) and was Time Magazine's 1986 Woman of the Year. A huge loss for humanity, but her courage and noble work will always be remembered.

(via Huffington Post/Associated Press)
NYT Obit.
3.) The Iranian Revolution will be _____-ised.

(via CBS News)
Despite the Ayatollah's repeated affirmation of Ahmadinejad's victory, anger over the Iranian elections have not subsided and the protests have not come to a halt. To the chagrin of Iran's highest leaders, the protesters are proving to be stubbornly resilient. Should the protests continue over the next few months or within the next year, will President Obama recognize and speak with Ahmadinejad?
2.) (In a sultry Marilyn Monroe voice) Happy Birthday, Mr. Pre-ssi-deeennnnnt...
(via Wikipedia)
President Obama turned 48 today!
Speaking of POTUS, thanks to the Beer Summit, America learns Obama has bad taste in beer.
1.) "Recent Rise in International Disputes Traced Back to Cute U.N. Tour Guide"