A lot of people are torn between the Palin/McCain ticket and the Obama/Biden ticket. I'm going to take a break from bashing Palin like a rented mule to talk about other important things on this year's ballot.
First off, Proposition 8. Proposition 8 seeks to ban same-sex marriage.
I believe Californians should vote NO on Prop 8.
But why?
Below is the text from an e-mail I sent to a bunch of friends and family about it:
When you vote next month, I urge you all to vote NO on Proposition 8.
A YES vote on Prop 8 will eliminate the right of same-sex couples from marrying.
You've seen the commercial: the one wear the lady tries to walk from her dressing room to her groom, but can't.
In California, from 1850-1948, Blacks, Asians AND specifically Filipinos were banned from marrying whites. (See Wiki article)
It isn't right to ban people from marrying people they want to marry based on race or orientation.
If we can ban segregation/discrimination in the workplace--the public sphere--why is there a need to do so in the private sphere?
How does not allowing same-sex couples from hospital visitation rights, inheritance rights, etc. affect YOU? It doesn't.
Like the anti-miscegenation laws, Prop. 8 is based on fear. A baseless fear.
And 3 more reasons why you should VOTE NO ON PROP. 8:
1) Second-class citizenship: Denying people the right to marry, like denying Filipinos from marrying whites, turns them into second-class citizens. Not giving gay people the right makes them inferior in the eyes of the law and in society. Living in the world's most powerful and progressive nation--a ban on same-sex marriage is taking a step backward.
2) Biblically contradictory: From a completely non-religious, strictly Biblical (just the text) standpoint, Jesus is one of the first recorded liberals. His religious mission called for an egalitarian society: he wanted ALL people to eat at the same table, unlike the Pharisees. In this day and age, banning same-sex marriage makes us Pharisees--the same people Jesus argued with and who are portrayed as evil and corrupt throughout the Bible.
3) Homosexuality is not a choice: "The Academy of Pediatrics and the Council on Child and Adolescent Health have also stated that homosexuality is not a choice and cannot be changed." See article .
4) Our family and friends: It is completely and totally unfair for our own friends and family to not have the same rights as everyone else.
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go bev.
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