Monday, July 20, 2009

"Idle hands are the devil's playthings."

I know I've been remiss lately in keeping up with blogging, but I've had my hands busy.

First, I started a new internship! I'm really happy about it. But I'm more excited of the prospect of landing a FT job afterwards within the field.

Second, I'm volunteering with a non-profit. I telecommute and do everything from Peet's. Yay for Peet's free wifi and highly-caffeinited coffee.

And third, I've been reading a lot books. Last weekend, I finished reading God-Shaped Hole and The Little Prince. Since then, I've started to read a couple of different books. There's the 6th Harry Potter book because I was slightly devastated by the lack of color in the movie. Then there's a book about meditition because it's something I've always wanted to start. And Crime and Punishment as usual. I'm still trying to make a dent in that one.

But mostly, I've been stuck on Reza Aslan's How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization, and the End of the War on Terror. I started reading it because the book's argument reminds me of a class I took in college on Terrorism and Homeland Security. I'm promise to write more about it when I finish.

I have to start working now, I have a busy day. Ma'a Assalama!

"To me, there is only one form of human depravity - the man without a purpose." Ayn Rand

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
Seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow.


Tracy said...

you'll have to finish crime and punishment and i have to finish anna karenina...

baling baling said...
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