Sarah Palin needs to check-in with reality!
Earlier this week, the findings of the investigation were released.
The first finding says that Sarah Palin acted unethically:
The first concludes that Palin violated the state's executive branch ethics act, which says that "each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."
But, her response when asked about the investigation's findings don't seem to match with
“I’m thankful that the report has shown that there was no illegal or unethical activity there in my choice to replace our commissioner,” she said. “A partisan kind of process that had been undertaken by some of the legislators who haven’t been real happy with anything that I’ve done along the way as governor, that process is now over, with that finding that I haven’t done anything unlawful in replacing the commissioner.” were found to have acted unethically? Well, let's give her a break. She is
probably all busy and whatnot from galvanizing crowds to hate Obama, joking about how old Biden is, going to hockey games in order to get booed at, mistaking her supporters for protestors, yenno, stuff that vice presidential candidates do. Or maybe she's overwhelmed by the "vast variety" of newspapers that are put in front of her, that she failed to read the Anchorage Daily News which first reported the findings of the investigation. Or maybe, the newspapers she did read out of the "vast variety," just so happened to not have any stories related to the Troopergate case. Or maybe she doesn't actually read the newspaper. I don't know what's worst, a politican who doesn't like to keep up with politics in the newspaper, or a politician who
lies hoping people don't notice.
Well guess what Sarah Palin, PEOPLE NOTICE!
Will she try to pull another fast one on us? Will she blame the unfavorable portrayal of herself on the gawd-awful mainstream media/liberal elite? Does she think that her own version of the investigation is the truth because it has been filtered by the media? Does she think her supporters are just TOO dumb, too dim-witted, illiterate, and blindly-faithful to her, that they
won't believe the investigation's findings?
C'mon Republicans! You're supposed to represent the party of Lincoln! You're smearing his name everytime you invoke the words "we're the party of Lincoln..blah blah blah". Lincoln is known as one of the most astute politicians of his time. He was a real intellectual--he was self-educated, he read the Bible though never joined the church and he read Shakespeare, he had only months of formal education yet became a lawyer. This makes me wonder, what would Lincoln think about Sarah Palin?
This entry has me to conclude two things about this issue. One or both may be right:
1) Sarah Palin is an airhead, which is why she insists to deny that she behaved unethically even though a bi-partisan investigation says she did.
2) Sarah Palin thinks WE'RE airheads and that we won't notice when she lies.

I'm sure the Animal Rights Activists (especially the ones that target UCLA Researches) will have a fit over this one.
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