Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Why arn'cha bloggin?"

I've been busy.  I know it is not a great excuse but quite frankly, it's the truth. 

The last few weeks have consisted of going to bed early (before midnight) and waking up to be at my cubicle on time. Although I'm still at my work-study job, I feel more and more like a corporate drone.  But that is not the only thing filling up my time.  I'm on the prowl for a job right now. So when I'm not at Materiel Services or workin on my resume/cover letters, I'm watching Rachel Maddow and co. on MSNBC. Or The Office. Or Heroes. Or Mad Men. Or a good TBS movie. It gets pretty exhausting. And that explains my absence here.  

omg, I'm like--so lame. 

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